Please be aware that November is Gastric, Lung, Mouth and Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month - please go to our 'Your Wellbeing' section (from our Homepage) for links to various Cancer services/organisations.
Are you eligible for 'NHS Help with Health Costs'? Click on the link below to find out if you qualify regarding Prescriptions costs, dental costs, travel, eyecare, provision of wigs to name but a few:
Check if you're eligible for help | NHSBSA
Important Notice for Teenagers and Adolescents registered with Bildeston Health Centre!
With the increased role of technology in all we do now, it is very important that we have a current mobile number and e-mail address for you, so that, with your permission, we can text or contact you directly. We may have an old contact or a parent’s mobile number attached to your records so to update your details would help us ensure we can keep in contact with you appropriately and directly when you need advice or support.
The easiest way to let us know your details is via our website link Change of Personal Details - Bildeston Health Centre or by giving us a call at the surgery preferably after 2pm.
Our staff will then update your records.
Please share this message - Thank you
You can order your repeat prescriptions via the NHS App - click on the link below:
Ordering a prescription - NHS App help and support - NHS (
Allied Health Professionals - AHP Suffolk CiC MSK Physiotherapy Service
Click on the link below to find out how to self-refer or phone 03330 433966. Referrals are triaged within 1 working day and patients will receive advice, guidance and booking information as appropriate. You do not need to see a GP before self-referring.
Physio - Self Referral (